Wednesday, August 17, 2011

John F Kennedy

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, famous for being the 35th President of the United States, orchestrated several plots that led to the creation of an early Alliance of Treason.  There are rumors he was also involved somewhat in the Grey Zone War and orchestrated his own "assasination" for his own purposes.

Born on May 29th, 1917 to a Freemason family, Kennedy was early on part of spurious orgaizations such as the Boy Scouts of America (he was the first Boy Scout to become President, leading to much speculation by extreme conspiracy theorists) and the Office of Naval Intelligence.  He was the one who commisoned the disastrous PT-109 attack on a Japanese sea base during World War II which was later covered up and re-surfaced as the vessel JFK was on when a Japenese ship was rammed on August 2, 1943.  He was (supposedly) given the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for his heroic conduct.  It was also during the war that he met Alexander Achenbach (see The Sealand War) who would later be supported by the Alliannce in his invaison on Sealand.

After the war, he became part of the House of Representatives and then the Senate.  He helped legitamize the infant Organization NASA and strengthened the ASP's standing in the geopolitical climate of the time despite his fellow Senator McCarthy and his "witch hunt" of communists.  He also supported the Senate's censor of McCarthy in 1954.  In 1956 at the National Democratic Convention he planned to praise the ASP but insead met with the current leader.

There is also speculation that Kennedy was aware of the Grey Zone War and helped Frank Drake start the nascent SETI program.

After becoming President in 1961, JFK was part of:

-Division Pact:  In the early 1960's before the Alliance of Treason was formed, the shadowy Division Pact existed which was intent on the complete partiotioning of the world in an attempt at global peace.  They came to JFK and offered the portion highlighted in blue above, the dark blue being the United States.  He accepted and gave NASA, Community of Christ, and the ASP his portion, allowing them to become part of the Division Pact and take over, mutating into the Alliance.

-Bay of Pigs Invasion:  In 1961, the USSR was seen as a major threat, due to the fact that it controlled Cuba and the puppet government of Fidel Castro.  Although 638 attempts on Castro's life were made by the CIA, he was still alive and well, so it was decided that a dangerous group of anarchists called The Godot after a Division Pact/Alliance of Treason member Samuel Beckett's play.  1,500 Cuban terrorists were trained at the Marine Training Facility in Colorado and on April 17th, they were given the go-ahead to proceed.  However, as part of the plan, this attack was told to the the Cuban officals and by April 19 all the exiles were either captured or killed.  John F Kennedy had just elliminated a danerous organisation and planted distrust in Castro's mind, isolating him.

The Moscow Accords:  John F Kennedy realized that his dream of empire would not be possible with Kruschev in control of the Soviet Union.  So on October 14, 1962, Kennedy went to Moscow to disscuss this crisis with the Prmeier.  It is unkown what exactly happened, except that the product was the engimatic Moscow Accords.  Some theorise this was a further plan to divide the world.  Others think Kennedy was still scared about the threat posed by the Grey Zone War and wanted Russia as an ally.
President Kennedy speech on the space effort at Rice University, September 12, 1962.ogg
The Space Program:  NASA at the time was a weak organisation, far from acheiving their aims of dominating the United States air space and the fact that Russian programs were far superior.  In 1961 and 1963 Nikita Kruschev was asked to join forces, but declined.  A new Apollo-Mercury proram was commsioned to create a colony on the Moon.  Kennedy supported the organisation full heartedly, and may have been the "Appendix Architect" of Journal XX.

Before Kennedy could continue, he was assasinated in Dallas Texas on November 22nd, 1963, coincedentally the first day the British sci-fi show Doctor Who premeired.  (see seperate article for more details)
It is unkown what John F Kennedy may have been capable of had he lived a few years longer.

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