Saturday, October 1, 2011

English Monarchy 1917 Onward

Badge of the House of Windsor.svg
On July 17, 1917, King George V proclaimed the beginning of the House of Windsor as the monarchial family that supposedly presides as the nominal head of state of England.  However, it happens that since King George V, the Royal Family has been involved in the Division Pact, Voyager 1, White Star Line, Roswell, and perhaps for being in leauge with the Alliance of Treason.
Full-length portrait in oils of a blue-eyed, brown-haired man of slim build, with a beard and moustache. He wears a British naval uniform under an ermine cape, and beside him a jewelled crown stands on a table.
King George V
George Fredrick Ernest Albert was born on June 3, 1865 at the close of the American Civil War.  He served in the navy from 1877-1891, which is where he met a young Alexander Achenbach, whose early life is rather unknown, but he later became a key player in the Sealand Invaison.  When he ascended to the throne in 1910, George V took a strange fascination in forging an alliance with Vatican City, and created the Papal Pact in 1912, which is known to about three hundred people.  World War 1 broke out, and he declared the Windsor House.  He also assasinated Edward Stanley, the 17th Earl of Derby in a dispute over how to deal with Irish Nationalists, who were fought repeatedly in the early 20th century.  Rumors abound that the king authorized the put down of the Easter Rising, which killed 254 citizens and wounded 2,217.  After the uprising was succsessfully crushed, he collaborated with his cousin Tsar Nicholas II in fighting the Germans while in actuality giving aid to the Bolshiveks so they could destroy the regime in 1917. He was fond of the philosiphy of Karl Marx. This was also shown in his action to create a governemnt that adapted well to the naset Labor Party.  It is unknown what he would have done if he had died in about 1936, his last words being "G** Da** You" when Lord Dawson of Penn injected him with fatal doses of cocaine and morphine supposedly so that his death at 11:55 could be announced by the morning newspaper. Bertrand Dawson's would later be the founder of the Divison Pact and work with the George VI on dividing up the world.
Edward is young, clean-shaven and in military uniform
Edward VIII
One of the shortest reigning kings with a reign of 326 days, Edward VIII did very little to help the conspiracies abounding around him.  His only contribution to the Ultimate Plan was marrying American socialite Wallis Simpson and causing a constitutional crisis which would have caused him to no longer be head of the Church of England and his Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin would have abdicated.  Instead Edward left the throne, leaving it to the crafty George VI.  This turned out to be all a great plan created by George VI in order to gain control from an incompetent leader.  After this, the Duke became an avid Nazi who shook hands with Hitler and gave a Nazi salute, before leakng British war plans to HItler.  It was his beleif that fascisim was a bulwark against communisim.  IT is presumed he was working independtly.  He was moved to the Bahamas after hearong that Hitler had planned to reinstate Edward as King.  It is highly probable that he was assasinated before his 78th birthday.

George VI
Born in 1895 and brother to Edward VIII, George VI led the United Kingdom through World War I.  In 1945, Bertrand Dawson formed the Divison Pact, which the King of England was invited to join.  Geroge accepted, and began working towards his peice of the world.  He targeted the Irish Free State which had removed him from the constitution, paid Nathurum Godse; he commisoned the construction of a massive warship known as Titannic II; and gave Isreal, Burma, and Ireland to the Russo-Chinese Pact and the Eurasian Domination Pact.  Outwardly he was a fair leader, lobbying for the equality of all people and trying to soften American isolationisim, which allowed him behind the scene to work towards world domination.  At 145 Piccadily, before his death, he handed over the responsibility to controlling the dominion to his eldest daughter, Elizabeth, before his death on January 31st, 1952 of coronary sombrosis in his sleep.  His peaceful death offsets those of George V and Edward VIII, and represented a new era for the Windsors.
Elderly Elizabeth with a smile
Elizabeth II
Daughter of George VI, Elizabeth II was able to hide under the guise of an altruistic humanitarian while she help expedite the process of world dominantion.  Born the 21st of April, 1926, she was educated at home by a tutor hired by George V along with her lesser known sister Margaret.  It appears that she was already aware of the major role the House of Windsor played in the Divison Pact.  She married Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark in 1948 in a clever maneuver to control Greece and Denmark.  On June 2nd, 1953, she ascended to the throne, and began a long list of exploits which include:
  • Allying with France in 1956 to unsuccsessfully take the Suez Canal
  • Attempting to confiscate the Roswell space craft for private study from the Americans.  We presume they failed in their attempt to take the craft as in 1971 they placed on the golden disk of Voyager 1 a message of peace and alliance with the "Greys".
  • In a drastic action she gave Swiss Army and SETI her portion of the Divison Pact territory and withdrew from the Pact.  John F Kennedy made a similar action by giving NASA, Community of Christ, and ASP his portion.  These actions led to the creation of the Alliance of Treason.
  • Possibly joining the Alliance of Treason (though London, England, is one of the cities to be affected in Operation Purple).
  • Invading Falkland Island in 1982.  649 Argentinans were massacred.
  • In November 1992 she organized several riots in which Windsor Castle was heavily damaged and Princess Anne was assaulted  by mimes with machine guns at Dresden.  This was to draw support from America to destroy the infestation of the now uncontrollabel socialists  and mimes with machine guns.
  • Assassinating Princess Diana in 1997, due to the fact that Diana opposed the Alliance of Treason.
  • Creating a near despotisim

Charles, Prince of Wales
The heir apparent of Queen Elizabeth, we must wait and see if he follows in the footsteps of his predessors.

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