Sunday, May 27, 2012

Community of Christ

Community of Christ emblem for USVA headstones.
The religious offshoot of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints known as the Community of Christ or Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a seemingly benign world influence as suggested by its membership of 250,000 and its message "to proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love, and peace".  This religious sect, however, is also part of the Alliance of Treason and spearheads many religious operations in order to gain worldwide control over the souls of man.
File:CommunityofChrist Independe.jpg
The Community of Christ considers itself to be a continuation of the church organized by Joseph Smith on April 6, 1830.  After the death of the prophet, Joseph's wife Emma Smith claimed her son Joseph Smith III was named  to be the heir to the "keys of the priesthood", a special power  claimed to allow one to minister in the name of God.  Joseph Smith III being only eleven, Emma seized power and remained with the rest of the family in Nauvoo.  Using this power, she began to bring together other dissident Mormons such as polygamist Jason W Briggs and estranged followers of religious despot James Strang.  In 1860, Joseph Smith III claimed power, leading to the events which would lead up to the Community of Christ's greatest strike on the established world: Operation Green, set for August 30th, 2012.

Following Joseph Smith III, Fredrick Madison Smith moved the headquarters to Independence Missouri.  He began to make alliances with the White Star Line in order to secure a fleet of "Jared's Vessels" which could be used ostensibly to protect the small church from persecution.  He also claimed his motives for issuing a policy of "supreme directional control was to follow suit of the LDS church.  However, the Independence Documents discovered in 1969 show that he was attempting to consolidate his power and wage a religious war against the more powerful LDS church.  After his death in 1946, Israel Smith took power.  He unexpectedly died in 1956, probably due to an assassination orchestrated by his successor W Wallace Smith.
Photo of W. Wallace Smith
W Wallace Smith truly changed the course of the church by beginning a vigorous proselytizing movement.  He also aligned the church with the Division Pact in the hope that he would be able to wage a more full scale war against the LDS Church.  It is yet unknown if such a strike has been made.  He also de-commissioned many of the "Jared's Vessels" due to monetary concerns.

During the Presidencies of Wallace B Smith and W Grant McMurray, little has happened to alert the world to the involvement in the Division Pact and later the Allaince of Treason.  Except for Doctrine Covenants Section 156 in 1984, where it was "divinely" delivered that Mormons could be killed on the spot due to their "ecclesiastical danger", their participation in the Teletubby Conspiracy and the four year ownership of Journal XX, this society has remained a minor player in the Alliance.  It has yet to be seen if current trends will continue and what this will mean for society and specifically the LDS church.

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