Sunday, October 21, 2012

Voyager I

A space probe with squat cylindrical body topped by a large parabolic radio antenna dish pointing upwards, a three-element radioisotope thermoelectric generator on a boom extending left, and scientific instruments on a boom extending right. A golden disk is fixed to the body.
In the 1960's, there was a faction within NASA which believed that the Grey Zone War could be averted if contact was made with the extra terrestrials.  In early 1968, Freemason Lyndon B Johnson gave approval for NASA to begin construction of Voyager 1.  It was decided that the probe would be said to be an attempt to explore the gas giants.  However, when a skirmish in 1968 caused the death of American soldiers, the faction was routed and Voyager was refitted as an aggressive device fitted with the newest ammunition.  However, this proved much to conspicuous and was scrapped.  For a while it seemed as if Voyager would just have to be a scientific expedition.  However, the Jet Propulsion Lab was successful at creating a Cosmic Ray System and Low Energy Charged Particle Instrument and were able to conceal them among the scientific instruments.

Also at this time, Carl Sagan, a Freemason cosmologist, compiled a Golden Record, supposed to be a declaration of war and a an over-exaggerated account of the military strength of the humans.  It was supposed to reach the star AC+79 3888 in 40,000 years.  This is where American authorities were certain the attacks, such as the Battle of Fort Manahos, originated from.  However, the British monarchy insisted on changing the record as what a disgruntled Carl Sagan described "a time capsule".

On January 9, 2008, an attack from the galaxy NGC 2770 on the Voyager 1 probe was observed by NASA's Swift telescope, which was commissioned by Freemason President George W Bush in 2004 to "identify and defend the planet against extraterrestrial weapons of mass destruction."  Using a Type Ibc attack vessel, the Greys seemed to have darted into the Solar System, attacked the Voyager 1 probe and flew out back to their home world in the galaxy known by astronomers as "The Factory".  This attack was probably retaliation for the Alliance of Treason holding "Space Wolves" discovered in 2004 in a NASA holding facility.  Investigations by the now weakened NASA have been slow although the 32nd Degree Freemason Barrack Obama did commission the mysterious project "New Horizons" to "establish a military presence on Pluto if necessary... for retaliation against their uncalled for attack".
Why Freemasons seem to have been involved so heavily with the Voyager 1 probe can only be supposed.

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