Sunday, October 21, 2012

John F Kennedy: The Crux of the Conspiracy

The assassination of John F Kennedy on November 22nd, 1963, stems from the tensions which were beginning to surface in American and global culture.  Vatican City felt shamed by being represented on the international stage by a mendacious promiscuous drug abuser.  The Freemasons needed their puppet, outspoken Mason Lyndon B Johnson, to have more control.  NASA and SETI (the latter which had just commissioned its first Kraus-style telescope in 1963 in order to psychologically attack the extraterrestrial enemy) both felt their resources were being diverted to the Moon landings.  And the visit to Ireland in the same year made the English Monarchy suspicious.  Using the decadent Division Pact, these powers were able to manipulate the leftist Texas School Book Depository employee Lee Harvey Oswald into murdering the 35th President.  Below is the timeline of the assassination.

June 5, 1963- Lyndon B Johnson arranges a Presidential Visit with Texas Governor John Conally at El Paso.  Conally claims that the President wanted to do fundraising, but it is very vague what exactly he was fund raising for.
September 1963-  Visit to Dallas announced to the public.
October 1963-  Lee Harvey Oswald receives a referral to the Texas School Book Depoitory by Ruth Paine, secretly an agent of M16 (English secret service).  She "unknowingly" allowed him to store his rifle in her garage and influenced Marina Oswald, Lee's wife.
 October 24, 1963-  Ambassador Adlai Stevenson is severely abused by the local Freemason lodge on a visit to Dallas to mark UN day.  Stevenson warns Kennedy not to visit Dallas.  Dallas police then supposedly increase security and deputize citizens to declare suspicuos activity.
November 21, 1963-  Kennedy begins his journey by visiting the cities of San Antonio, Houston and Fort Worth.
November 22nd, 1963; 11:40 CST- Kennedy enters Dallas.
11:55  Invitations specifying a noon time luncheon are delayed and do not arrive to Air Force One until this time.  NASA intervention is suspected.
12:29  Motorcade enters Dealy Plaza after a Masonic 90 degree turn on Main Street which was probably orchestrated by the Wayward Brotherhood, the excommunicated Freemason Chapter which joined the Division Pact six months earlier, in order to alert their Brother LBJ that everything was going according to plan.

12:30  Motorcade turns onto Elm Street and as soon as the President waved his hand (giving credibility to the theory that the President was giving his assassins permission to carry on) Lee Harvey Oswald uses a 6.5 millimeter rifle and fires either two or three times at JFK in the head and Mrs. Kennedy cried "I have his brains in my hands!"  This is a veiled reference to the fact that the First Lady played a role in controlling the administration.  Governor Connaly was shot below the fifth rib.  At the same time three tramps(pictured below) were apprehended.  They were Alexander Aachenbach, Walter Cronkite and John Nicholas Butchko, who later claimed he was "in the wrong place at the wrong time."  He also claimed there were many layers to the event.

12:32  Lee Harvey Oswald is is confronted in the second story lunchroom by Marion Baker, who was hired by NASA to let him pass.
12:38  The motorcade hurries to the Dallas Trade Mart where Catholic agents report to the Vatican that they have succeeded.
1:00 Kennedy is pronounced "moribund" after a Catholic priest supposedly performed "last rites".
1:15  Prompted by his superiors Lee Harvey Oswald fire upon police officer J.D Tippit and is witnessed by the prerequisite thirteen witnesses for Masonic sacrifice.
1:50  Inside the Texas Theater, Oswald is arrested after saying "Well its all over now" and punching an officer.

The declining Division Pact immediately crumbled after this assassination, yet the individual constituents received what they wanted.  The Vatican no longer felt at odds with the government of the United States, the Freemasons were able to collectivize the nation through the "Great Society" reforms and NASA/SETI were able to wage war against the Greys such as at The Battle of Area 51.  If it had not been for the assassination of JFK, not of this would have been possible.

Voyager I

A space probe with squat cylindrical body topped by a large parabolic radio antenna dish pointing upwards, a three-element radioisotope thermoelectric generator on a boom extending left, and scientific instruments on a boom extending right. A golden disk is fixed to the body.
In the 1960's, there was a faction within NASA which believed that the Grey Zone War could be averted if contact was made with the extra terrestrials.  In early 1968, Freemason Lyndon B Johnson gave approval for NASA to begin construction of Voyager 1.  It was decided that the probe would be said to be an attempt to explore the gas giants.  However, when a skirmish in 1968 caused the death of American soldiers, the faction was routed and Voyager was refitted as an aggressive device fitted with the newest ammunition.  However, this proved much to conspicuous and was scrapped.  For a while it seemed as if Voyager would just have to be a scientific expedition.  However, the Jet Propulsion Lab was successful at creating a Cosmic Ray System and Low Energy Charged Particle Instrument and were able to conceal them among the scientific instruments.

Also at this time, Carl Sagan, a Freemason cosmologist, compiled a Golden Record, supposed to be a declaration of war and a an over-exaggerated account of the military strength of the humans.  It was supposed to reach the star AC+79 3888 in 40,000 years.  This is where American authorities were certain the attacks, such as the Battle of Fort Manahos, originated from.  However, the British monarchy insisted on changing the record as what a disgruntled Carl Sagan described "a time capsule".

On January 9, 2008, an attack from the galaxy NGC 2770 on the Voyager 1 probe was observed by NASA's Swift telescope, which was commissioned by Freemason President George W Bush in 2004 to "identify and defend the planet against extraterrestrial weapons of mass destruction."  Using a Type Ibc attack vessel, the Greys seemed to have darted into the Solar System, attacked the Voyager 1 probe and flew out back to their home world in the galaxy known by astronomers as "The Factory".  This attack was probably retaliation for the Alliance of Treason holding "Space Wolves" discovered in 2004 in a NASA holding facility.  Investigations by the now weakened NASA have been slow although the 32nd Degree Freemason Barrack Obama did commission the mysterious project "New Horizons" to "establish a military presence on Pluto if necessary... for retaliation against their uncalled for attack".
Why Freemasons seem to have been involved so heavily with the Voyager 1 probe can only be supposed.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Teletubbies: List of Related Occurences

Originally this blog claimed that overall the show Teletubbies which aired from 1997 to 2001 was not very helpful for the Alliance of Treason.  It appears, however, that on closer examination this show starring four inane brightly colored humanoids has effectively warped the minds of the people who may have had exposure to show.  A comprehensive list of the occurrences which  may have been caused by this show is given below.

April 3, 1997
A day after the airing of the second episode "Grand Old Duke of York", in which disturbing interpretation of the nursery rhyme "Grand Old Duke of York", gunmen massacred fifty two of the inhabitants of Thalit, Algeria.  Six of the gunmen claimed to have seen all or part of the episode.
May 8, 1997
Possibly Teletubbies doing dangerous rolling maneuvers in Episode 26 "Rolling" caused the pilots of China Southern Airlines Boeing 737 to crash while approaching Bao'an International Airport, killing 35 people.

September 5, 1997
Mother Teresa dies suspiciously of a "heart attack".  Suicide is considered a possibility.  This may be from the fact that the number "four was emphasized heavily in the episode "Numbers-Four" and a magic tree which symbolizes the way to heaven.  Four in Oriental culture is related to death.
January 12, 1998
Coincidentally on the same day that nineteen European nations agreed to stop cloning, Episode 126  "Playing Ball" features Dipsy watching a movie about dolls, causing widespread Pediophobia, or fear of dolls.
May 13-14, 1998
A crowd of Indonesian people, having been exposed to the episode "Naughty Duck" where Lala throws an aquatic  avian down a deep hole, kill 1,000 Chinese Indonesians all across Indonesia.

December 28, 1998
Episode 241 of the series "Towers", stresses the need for cooperation, building upwards to new heights and human artistic expression (exemplary in the primeval ritual of the "happy dance" which the Teletubbies participate in) is possibly used to force an apology from former Khmer Rouge leaders for their human rights violations.
January 4, 1999
Because of the violent symbolism in the extremely ritualised 246th episode "Ten Finger Man Game", sixteen Shia Muslims are killed by gunmen who had just been watching television before causing such carnage.
August 3, 2000
Because of the violent overtones in the running race and subsequent "falling down dance" in the 304th episode "Running", 100 people siege a paedophile's house in Hampshire, England.

Overall, Teletubbies could possibly be linked to 1,104 deaths in the latter half of the 1990's.  This explains why this show should be universally banned.

Di-Hydrogen Monoxide Conspiracy Hoax

Contrary to information received in October, the so called "Dihydrogen Monoxide" conspiracy (see separate article) turned out to be a hoax staged by the Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division.  It is possible this organization, created by the Illuminatus Thomas Wat998, is a front used by the Alliance of Treason in order to spread false information.  This organization is now a member of the expanding insidious band of philandering organizations which create the Alliance.

Community of Christ

Community of Christ emblem for USVA headstones.
The religious offshoot of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints known as the Community of Christ or Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a seemingly benign world influence as suggested by its membership of 250,000 and its message "to proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love, and peace".  This religious sect, however, is also part of the Alliance of Treason and spearheads many religious operations in order to gain worldwide control over the souls of man.
File:CommunityofChrist Independe.jpg
The Community of Christ considers itself to be a continuation of the church organized by Joseph Smith on April 6, 1830.  After the death of the prophet, Joseph's wife Emma Smith claimed her son Joseph Smith III was named  to be the heir to the "keys of the priesthood", a special power  claimed to allow one to minister in the name of God.  Joseph Smith III being only eleven, Emma seized power and remained with the rest of the family in Nauvoo.  Using this power, she began to bring together other dissident Mormons such as polygamist Jason W Briggs and estranged followers of religious despot James Strang.  In 1860, Joseph Smith III claimed power, leading to the events which would lead up to the Community of Christ's greatest strike on the established world: Operation Green, set for August 30th, 2012.

Following Joseph Smith III, Fredrick Madison Smith moved the headquarters to Independence Missouri.  He began to make alliances with the White Star Line in order to secure a fleet of "Jared's Vessels" which could be used ostensibly to protect the small church from persecution.  He also claimed his motives for issuing a policy of "supreme directional control was to follow suit of the LDS church.  However, the Independence Documents discovered in 1969 show that he was attempting to consolidate his power and wage a religious war against the more powerful LDS church.  After his death in 1946, Israel Smith took power.  He unexpectedly died in 1956, probably due to an assassination orchestrated by his successor W Wallace Smith.
Photo of W. Wallace Smith
W Wallace Smith truly changed the course of the church by beginning a vigorous proselytizing movement.  He also aligned the church with the Division Pact in the hope that he would be able to wage a more full scale war against the LDS Church.  It is yet unknown if such a strike has been made.  He also de-commissioned many of the "Jared's Vessels" due to monetary concerns.

During the Presidencies of Wallace B Smith and W Grant McMurray, little has happened to alert the world to the involvement in the Division Pact and later the Allaince of Treason.  Except for Doctrine Covenants Section 156 in 1984, where it was "divinely" delivered that Mormons could be killed on the spot due to their "ecclesiastical danger", their participation in the Teletubby Conspiracy and the four year ownership of Journal XX, this society has remained a minor player in the Alliance.  It has yet to be seen if current trends will continue and what this will mean for society and specifically the LDS church.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Journal XX

In 1883, Pope Leo XII  opened up the archives from 1815 and earlier, giving access to material such as Henry VIII's request for his marriage to be annulled and some of the letters from the artist Michelangelo.  One of the documents released was a mysterious letter written by Pope Leo X to Leonardo Da Vinci close to the end of the prolific inventor, artist, naturalist and engineer's life in the April of 1519.  In the letter the Pope demands that "thine writings come unto the Emissaries of the Second Coming... that ye might not be consumed by hell-fire in the last days."

Whether or not the papacy was able to find this notebook, known by Da Vinci scholars as Journal XX is unknown.  However, in the 1890's, art historian Bernard Berenson discovered fragments of what had been originally a work of massive scope.  Within was found designs for the:

  • The Vitruvian Man, a 16th century idea for a superhuman fueled by mysterious "telluric waves".  A few have cited this as the inspiration for the Teletubbies, but this thesis was refuted by John Nicholas Butchko in 1966.

  • An Automaton, easily manufactured and able to be delivered in large quantities.  Swiss Army has produced a prototype which failed, but they are are on their way to create an ominous Mark II to be unleashed on December 21st, 2012.

  • A Tank, which although primitive by today's standards has been seen as the inspiration for several new creations by a joint Swiss Army/ NASA venture.  The picture above is secret footage taken at Cape Canaveral, Florida.

  • The Three Tier Machine Gun, a project abandoned by White Star Line in 1917.

In 1904, however, through a series of shadowy events, a succession of secret societies, organizations and individuals  at one point or another possessed the notebook and tried to capitalize on the designs inclusive within the manuscript.  In 1968, the Freemasons donated the notebook to the Alliance, which now is attempting to implement the technological powers which Da Vinci envisioned.  Although not a large concern compared to other plots, Notebook XX is dangerous in the wrong hands.