Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Di-Hydrogen Monoxide Crisis of 2012

Recently, information was leaked about a new attempt by the Alliance of Treason to pave the way for world domination.  The plot involves the use of a little known contraband substance known as di-hydrogen monoxide, which was discovered in 1997 by Nathan Zohner.  It is known to cause erosion, electrical failures, severe burns, acid rain, rust and death if inhaled.  Already 3.575 million people die each year from this  toxic chemical.  Capitalizing on this, the Alliance plans to, on March 22nd, 2012, introduce the chemical into water supplies around the world, killing off billions of people.  The survivors will die from deprivation of their water source.  Luckily, there are all ready oppositional forces prepared to stop this threat.  Go to to help.
Only you can protect mankind.  (Of course, only you can destroy mankind.)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

English Monarchy 1917 Onward

Badge of the House of Windsor.svg
On July 17, 1917, King George V proclaimed the beginning of the House of Windsor as the monarchial family that supposedly presides as the nominal head of state of England.  However, it happens that since King George V, the Royal Family has been involved in the Division Pact, Voyager 1, White Star Line, Roswell, and perhaps for being in leauge with the Alliance of Treason.
Full-length portrait in oils of a blue-eyed, brown-haired man of slim build, with a beard and moustache. He wears a British naval uniform under an ermine cape, and beside him a jewelled crown stands on a table.
King George V
George Fredrick Ernest Albert was born on June 3, 1865 at the close of the American Civil War.  He served in the navy from 1877-1891, which is where he met a young Alexander Achenbach, whose early life is rather unknown, but he later became a key player in the Sealand Invaison.  When he ascended to the throne in 1910, George V took a strange fascination in forging an alliance with Vatican City, and created the Papal Pact in 1912, which is known to about three hundred people.  World War 1 broke out, and he declared the Windsor House.  He also assasinated Edward Stanley, the 17th Earl of Derby in a dispute over how to deal with Irish Nationalists, who were fought repeatedly in the early 20th century.  Rumors abound that the king authorized the put down of the Easter Rising, which killed 254 citizens and wounded 2,217.  After the uprising was succsessfully crushed, he collaborated with his cousin Tsar Nicholas II in fighting the Germans while in actuality giving aid to the Bolshiveks so they could destroy the regime in 1917. He was fond of the philosiphy of Karl Marx. This was also shown in his action to create a governemnt that adapted well to the naset Labor Party.  It is unknown what he would have done if he had died in about 1936, his last words being "G** Da** You" when Lord Dawson of Penn injected him with fatal doses of cocaine and morphine supposedly so that his death at 11:55 could be announced by the morning newspaper. Bertrand Dawson's would later be the founder of the Divison Pact and work with the George VI on dividing up the world.
Edward is young, clean-shaven and in military uniform
Edward VIII
One of the shortest reigning kings with a reign of 326 days, Edward VIII did very little to help the conspiracies abounding around him.  His only contribution to the Ultimate Plan was marrying American socialite Wallis Simpson and causing a constitutional crisis which would have caused him to no longer be head of the Church of England and his Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin would have abdicated.  Instead Edward left the throne, leaving it to the crafty George VI.  This turned out to be all a great plan created by George VI in order to gain control from an incompetent leader.  After this, the Duke became an avid Nazi who shook hands with Hitler and gave a Nazi salute, before leakng British war plans to HItler.  It was his beleif that fascisim was a bulwark against communisim.  IT is presumed he was working independtly.  He was moved to the Bahamas after hearong that Hitler had planned to reinstate Edward as King.  It is highly probable that he was assasinated before his 78th birthday.

George VI
Born in 1895 and brother to Edward VIII, George VI led the United Kingdom through World War I.  In 1945, Bertrand Dawson formed the Divison Pact, which the King of England was invited to join.  Geroge accepted, and began working towards his peice of the world.  He targeted the Irish Free State which had removed him from the constitution, paid Nathurum Godse; he commisoned the construction of a massive warship known as Titannic II; and gave Isreal, Burma, and Ireland to the Russo-Chinese Pact and the Eurasian Domination Pact.  Outwardly he was a fair leader, lobbying for the equality of all people and trying to soften American isolationisim, which allowed him behind the scene to work towards world domination.  At 145 Piccadily, before his death, he handed over the responsibility to controlling the dominion to his eldest daughter, Elizabeth, before his death on January 31st, 1952 of coronary sombrosis in his sleep.  His peaceful death offsets those of George V and Edward VIII, and represented a new era for the Windsors.
Elderly Elizabeth with a smile
Elizabeth II
Daughter of George VI, Elizabeth II was able to hide under the guise of an altruistic humanitarian while she help expedite the process of world dominantion.  Born the 21st of April, 1926, she was educated at home by a tutor hired by George V along with her lesser known sister Margaret.  It appears that she was already aware of the major role the House of Windsor played in the Divison Pact.  She married Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark in 1948 in a clever maneuver to control Greece and Denmark.  On June 2nd, 1953, she ascended to the throne, and began a long list of exploits which include:
  • Allying with France in 1956 to unsuccsessfully take the Suez Canal
  • Attempting to confiscate the Roswell space craft for private study from the Americans.  We presume they failed in their attempt to take the craft as in 1971 they placed on the golden disk of Voyager 1 a message of peace and alliance with the "Greys".
  • In a drastic action she gave Swiss Army and SETI her portion of the Divison Pact territory and withdrew from the Pact.  John F Kennedy made a similar action by giving NASA, Community of Christ, and ASP his portion.  These actions led to the creation of the Alliance of Treason.
  • Possibly joining the Alliance of Treason (though London, England, is one of the cities to be affected in Operation Purple).
  • Invading Falkland Island in 1982.  649 Argentinans were massacred.
  • In November 1992 she organized several riots in which Windsor Castle was heavily damaged and Princess Anne was assaulted  by mimes with machine guns at Dresden.  This was to draw support from America to destroy the infestation of the now uncontrollabel socialists  and mimes with machine guns.
  • Assassinating Princess Diana in 1997, due to the fact that Diana opposed the Alliance of Treason.
  • Creating a near despotisim

Charles, Prince of Wales
The heir apparent of Queen Elizabeth, we must wait and see if he follows in the footsteps of his predessors.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Abraham Zapruder's Incredibly Grainy Yet Insigtful Film

One of the most complete records of the Kennedy Assasination is the infamous Zapruder film, created by clothing designer Abraham Taggert Zapruder.  Make your own conclusions.

Friday, August 19, 2011

More on the the Teletubby Conspiracy

The interior of the Teletubby Dome.  There are many who have noted that this shot of the interior bears a striking resemblance to the little known Freemason temple in New Baxterton, Iowa built on November 22nd, 1963.

Po, La-La, Twinky Winky, Dipsy and Noo-Noo.  Their attenas are pointed to heaven as a symbol of the divinely given power of the people in a communiost regime, while the trunk of the cleaning robot shows how the power of industry comes from the ground.

Throughout the show, the motif of a powerful youth based society has been presented, ie. through the juvenile Sun that rises and sets over the world of the Teletubbies and the images of children working cooperatively in projects (which hints at Socialist leanings).

Many have wondered why there is a dark skinned Tellytubby.  Is this some Utopian message, or something far more insidious and nefarious?

Several "incidents have been reported relating to Teletubby dolls.  The first of these was the 1998 London Contreversey when a five year old girl reported that a Po doll said an innapropriate term for homosexuals repeatedly, linking well with the Twinky Winky Contreversey the next year.  Many of claimed that this proves that there are homosexual overtones and children's veiws are being warped by veiwing this show.  The offical cover up is that the doll was saying the Cantonese word "Fidit" which is the infinitive to run, and as for the Twinky Winky contreversey, a supposed study completed in May 2007 proved that the show had no effect on children psycology.  However, six of the supposed "scientists" were Freemasons.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

John F Kennedy

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, famous for being the 35th President of the United States, orchestrated several plots that led to the creation of an early Alliance of Treason.  There are rumors he was also involved somewhat in the Grey Zone War and orchestrated his own "assasination" for his own purposes.

Born on May 29th, 1917 to a Freemason family, Kennedy was early on part of spurious orgaizations such as the Boy Scouts of America (he was the first Boy Scout to become President, leading to much speculation by extreme conspiracy theorists) and the Office of Naval Intelligence.  He was the one who commisoned the disastrous PT-109 attack on a Japanese sea base during World War II which was later covered up and re-surfaced as the vessel JFK was on when a Japenese ship was rammed on August 2, 1943.  He was (supposedly) given the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for his heroic conduct.  It was also during the war that he met Alexander Achenbach (see The Sealand War) who would later be supported by the Alliannce in his invaison on Sealand.

After the war, he became part of the House of Representatives and then the Senate.  He helped legitamize the infant Organization NASA and strengthened the ASP's standing in the geopolitical climate of the time despite his fellow Senator McCarthy and his "witch hunt" of communists.  He also supported the Senate's censor of McCarthy in 1954.  In 1956 at the National Democratic Convention he planned to praise the ASP but insead met with the current leader.

There is also speculation that Kennedy was aware of the Grey Zone War and helped Frank Drake start the nascent SETI program.

After becoming President in 1961, JFK was part of:

-Division Pact:  In the early 1960's before the Alliance of Treason was formed, the shadowy Division Pact existed which was intent on the complete partiotioning of the world in an attempt at global peace.  They came to JFK and offered the portion highlighted in blue above, the dark blue being the United States.  He accepted and gave NASA, Community of Christ, and the ASP his portion, allowing them to become part of the Division Pact and take over, mutating into the Alliance.

-Bay of Pigs Invasion:  In 1961, the USSR was seen as a major threat, due to the fact that it controlled Cuba and the puppet government of Fidel Castro.  Although 638 attempts on Castro's life were made by the CIA, he was still alive and well, so it was decided that a dangerous group of anarchists called The Godot after a Division Pact/Alliance of Treason member Samuel Beckett's play.  1,500 Cuban terrorists were trained at the Marine Training Facility in Colorado and on April 17th, they were given the go-ahead to proceed.  However, as part of the plan, this attack was told to the the Cuban officals and by April 19 all the exiles were either captured or killed.  John F Kennedy had just elliminated a danerous organisation and planted distrust in Castro's mind, isolating him.

The Moscow Accords:  John F Kennedy realized that his dream of empire would not be possible with Kruschev in control of the Soviet Union.  So on October 14, 1962, Kennedy went to Moscow to disscuss this crisis with the Prmeier.  It is unkown what exactly happened, except that the product was the engimatic Moscow Accords.  Some theorise this was a further plan to divide the world.  Others think Kennedy was still scared about the threat posed by the Grey Zone War and wanted Russia as an ally.
President Kennedy speech on the space effort at Rice University, September 12, 1962.ogg
The Space Program:  NASA at the time was a weak organisation, far from acheiving their aims of dominating the United States air space and the fact that Russian programs were far superior.  In 1961 and 1963 Nikita Kruschev was asked to join forces, but declined.  A new Apollo-Mercury proram was commsioned to create a colony on the Moon.  Kennedy supported the organisation full heartedly, and may have been the "Appendix Architect" of Journal XX.

Before Kennedy could continue, he was assasinated in Dallas Texas on November 22nd, 1963, coincedentally the first day the British sci-fi show Doctor Who premeired.  (see seperate article for more details)
It is unkown what John F Kennedy may have been capable of had he lived a few years longer.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The "Grey Zone" War

Above-A "Grey" spotted on Kinderly Bridge near Fort Manahos, West Virginia

The "Grey Zone" War, better known as the Extra-terrestrial/Terrestial Conflict, is a broad term for a series of conflicts between the Alliance of Treason and race known colloquially by experts as "Greys".  SETI and NASA have been the main players in this relatively quiet and bloody war, although the Swiss Army has supplied the Alliance with weapons for the war.
Here is a brief visual walk through of the conflict:

December 5, 1945-Flight 19 set out for a training in the notorious (an fictional) Bermuda Triangle when Lt Charles Carrol Taylor reported that there was a "brilliant flash" and the equipment stopped working.  "Causes or reasons unknown" were sighted, though Robert J Gerber reported a "saucer nineteen kilometers in width".  The last transmission was "There aren't many left...they have the superior..."  It was quickly covered up and said to be a mid air explosion and lack of military discipline.  Thirteen fatalities were reported and no survivors.   With the Roswell event, America became all the more cautious.

October 16, 1957-After the Roswell scare ten years before, the American military leaders and a nascent NASA feared invasion and most of all, infiltration by aliens.  On October 16th, 1957 at  São Francisco de Sales, Brazil, a man named Antonio Villas Boas was abducted by the same type of space craft seen at Roswell.  Secretly, the American military arrived in Brazil and waited for the return of the space craft.  Four hours later, the craft arrived, returning Antonio to the same place.  Details are extremely sketchy.  All we know is that one of the Greys was murdered and taken to Area 51 and that Antonio was held in custody for two years and released to tell a far fetched story about alien "experiments".

1960-Frank Drake creates SETI, or Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, as an attempt to apprehend any alien visitors.

November 15th, 1968-About four miles from Area 51, a small regiment of about fifty soldiers spotted and fired upon a group of seventeen "Grey" aliens huddled around a damaged and smoking UFO.  Led by Colonel Lawrence Greene, the battle according to official reports stored at NASA headquarters in Washington DC lasted about three minutes due to the fact that the aliens had "advanced weaponry..."  About seven men returned after having chased off the thirteen remaining aliens.  The corpses were taken into custody, perhaps by the STellar Universal  Paranormal Investigations of Danger society, supposedly a puppet organisation of NASA.

August 30th, 1971-Fort Manahos, supposedly a military installation shut down in 1943 after the failed Hawking Initiative of 1940, reopened in 1966 in response to a sighting of a "Mothman" at nearby Pleasure Point, West Virginia on November 15, 1966.  The fort was armed and prepared in case of another offensive by the alien invaders.  It was also a scientific institute for studying the UFO remains from the 1968 Area 51 Crisis.  On August 30th of 1971, according to eye-witness Linda Scarberry, three "peculiar discs a little larger then a common apartment building landed nine miles away at Kinderly Bridge with what seemed to be "hundreds of winged, grey skinned hideous creatures".  The force was apprehended and all we know of the conflict was two photos, the collective loss of thirteen hour's memory from the inhabitants of Kinderly, West, Virginia, the fact that four hundred military personnel stationed in that area went missing, and a frightened NASA.

November 16, 1974- SETI sends an official declaration of war in binary to the general cosmos.  The message is recorded here as 00000010101010000000000 00101000001010000000100 10001000100010010110010 10101010101010100100100 00000000000000000000000 00000000000011000000000 00000000001101000000000 00000000001101000000000 00000000010101000000000 00000000011111000000000 00000000000000000000000 11000011100011000011000 10000000000000110010000 11010001100011000011010 11111011111011111011111 00000000000000000000000 00010000000000000000010 00000000000000000000000 00001000000000000000001 11111000000000000011111 00000000000000000000000 11000011000011100011000 10000000100000000010000 11010000110001110011010 11111011111011111011111 00000000000000000000000 00010000001100000000010 00000000001100000000000 00001000001100000000001 11111000001100000011111 00000000001100000000000 00100000000100000000100 00010000001100000001000 00001100001100000010000 00000011000100001100000 00000000001100110000000 00000011000100001100000 00001100001100000010000 00010000001000000001000 00100000001100000000100 01000000001100000000100 01000000000100000001000 00100000001000000010000 00010000000000001100000 00001100000000110000000 00100011101011000000000 00100000001000000000000 00100000111110000000000 00100001011101001011011 00000010011100100111111 10111000011100000110111 00000000010100000111011 00100000010100000111111 00100000010100000110000 00100000110110000000000 00000000000000000000000 00111000001000000000000 00111010100010101010101 00111000000000101010100 00000000000000101000000 00000000111110000000000 00000011111111100000000 00001110000000111000000 00011000000000001100000 00110100000000010110000 01100110000000110011000 01000101000001010001000 01000100100010010001000 00000100010100010000000 00000100001000010000000 00000100000000010000000 00000001001010000000000 01111001111101001111000

1975 to 1981- For six years there is no threat from space that is reported in official records, although author David Icke is convinced that fourteen battles resulting in 4,062 casualties occurred in what is referred to as the "No Aliens Allowed" Era.

September 3rd, 1982-Having let down their guard in the six years of peace that occurred, there was much shock in Washington DC when eight humans vanished in Hammilton County, Ohio, and the object was caught in a fifteen minute film which was confiscated by NASA for examination.  This attack brought about the new...
1984 to 1993-The Strategic Defense Initiative Organisation is established over see a program called "Star Wars" a space defense system that according to secret papers owned by Ronald Reagan would insure "protection from our foul neighbors out there."  To the public, it was said at first that the system was to protect against a Soviet offensive.  Surface to Air missiles, Anti-Ballistic Missiles, a Fractional Orbital Bombardment Systems, the Sentinel Program, X-ray lasers, and the mysterious Epsilon-Alpha-Eight were all components of this.  It was abandoned in 1993 by President Clinton due to threats from the American Socialist Party.

1999-David Icke writes his book The Biggest Secret where it is revealed that "Greys" have infiltrated our banking, business, the military, education, the media, religion, drug companies, intelligence agencies, and organised crime, and our supposedly controlled by the Luciferic Conciousness.  He also cites about thirty nine battles between aliens and their terrestial enemies, including as a sample, the Battle of Djibouti (1960), the Ammon's Wharf Incident (1978), the Battle of Torrin's Copse (1981), the Ural Campaign (1986), Verdant Hillside Conflagration (1999), (and in the recent 2011 edition an extremely recent Rout of Groom's Lake <2009>).  The validity of his statements are rather in question however as he turns out to have worked for SETI for a while.
February 23rd, 2004-On the Japanese island of Hokkaido, a strange race of alien wolves has appeared, known as canis lupis hattai.  As of now, there has only been one attack on humans in the village of Fukagawa, where seven humans were injured.  There is some speculation they are part of an alien offense.

And now, we only have to wait and watch to see how long this war will remain hidden.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Papal Message

It has been suspected for a long time that the Papacy and Vatican City has been involved in the nefarious plot, but it was not until December 23rd, 2010 a document called "Kolob" was discovered hidden within the winding fifteen mile Secret Archives (see seperate article).  The document is contained here in:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Gadget Massacre

Red Status
On April 8th, 2010, a mysterious document called The Red Cross Papers was discovered at Mount Rainer, Washington, detailing a horrifying plan made by the Alliance of Treason and more specifically, the Swiss Army.

In the papers, a strange new circular Swiss Army pocket knife would be produced in the year 2014, offering a whole new range of gadgets never before seen.  It would also feature isomorphic controls that would make the device only able to activate when under contact with the user.  When the time will come, a signal will be sent to each knife so that it activates when touched and murders its user.
There were rumors of a "Infant" Gadget Masscre but these are as of yet unverified.

Swiss Army

Yellow Status

This nefarious organization orgins can be traced to Ibach Schwyz, Switzerland in 1897 when knives were produced to aid the British during the Boer War.  In that age, it was merely a springloaded knife.  However, in the early 1900's, more tools were packed in, such as, frm an unidentified source, "a smaller second blade, tweezers, toothpick, corkscrew, can opener, bottle opener, slotted/flat-head screwdriver(s), phillips-head screwdriver, nail file, scissors, saw (regular, wood), file, hook (parcel carrier, tightening aid for shoelaces, etc.), magnifying glass, ballpoint pen, fish scaler, hex wrench w/bits, pliers, and keyring. Recent technological features include USB flash drives, digital clock, digital altimeter, LED light, laser pointer, and MP3 player." 

While this may seem beneficial to society, since the 1950's when Victorinox bought Swiss Army it has been trying to bring about the dissolution of society.  With its coming into the Alliance of Treason, it has further solidified its link to the Ultimate Plan.   According to most recent sources, the current plan is to unleash the Gadget Massacre (see seperate article) after Operation Purple has been completed.  THere are rumors also of a more urgent "Infant" Gadget Massacre in 2013, but this has yet to be verified.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Operation Purple

Red Status
Operation Purple is the code name for the most dastardly project ever attempted by Google and its ally The Alliance of Treason.  The Operation is to use every computer running a Google search engine to coordinate a single cyber terror attack that will strike the following eighteen major cities:
  • Washington, DC
  • New York City, NY
  • Cairo, Egypt
  • Beijing, China
  • Paris, France
  • Sydney, Australia
  • Berlin, Germany
  • London, England
  • Moscow, Russia
  • Salt Lake City, UT
  • Dublin, Ireland
  • Constantiople, Turkey
  • Oslo, Norway
  • Jacksonville, FL
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • Mexico City, Mexico
  • Houston, TX
  • Baghdad, Iraq
The attacks will disable all the computers in the process while wiping the hard drive of every government related computer.  After this, The Alliance of Treason will initiate the Gadget Massacre (see separate article)which will further weaken the world, and then there will be a final strike involving White Star Line craft and NASA space craft. 
Luckily, there are disagreements about the finer details of this operation, and Google is still developing the technology to support this attack, so it will not be until April 9, 2017 when his Armageddon will occur.

The White Star LIne

Yellow Status
The White Star Line is infamous for its biggest failure, the Titanic, but less known for the sister war cruisers Olympia and Britannic which are still kept in Liverpool Naval, a subsidiary of the WSL.  Established in Liverpool by John Pilkington and Henry Wilson, it was focused on gathering gold from the UK-Australia route for the Freemasons to use in their projects.  It became bankrupt in 1868 and was bought by an anarchist who wanted to build a fleet to conquer the entire world.  There were several failed attempts, like the RMS Taylor, which crashed into Lambay Island off the coast of Ireland.
The Oceanic class was constructed in the 1870's for this purpose.  The most powerful, Adraitic, actually fought for the anarchist in an attempt to disrupt American trade lines.

The White Star Line soon became involved with emigration and would take in illegal immigrants.  Half of the passengers on the Titanic were illegally present.
The Titanic, Olympic,and Britannic were part of the Olympia class, a final step.  Alas, with the sinking of the Titanic (see separate article) the other two ships had to go into hiding and be improved upon.  The Britannic was reportedly sunk in 1916 on the coast of Greece and Olympic was scuttled in 1934, the same year the WLS merged with its rival, the Cunard Line.
With its attempt in 2005 to become part of the Alliance of Treason, it is unknown what will be the outcome.  Rumors of a terribly powerful warship have been circulating, but they are not verified...yet.

The Alliance of Treason

Black Status
Little is known about the Alliance of Treason except that NASA, Community of Christ, Swiss Army, ASP and SETI have all made a strange pact whihc is reproduced in part here.  The following is a highly censored fragment recovered by someone who prefers not to be named.  If anyone dicovers the censored portions or more of the pact, please alert us so that it may be posted:

The Sealand War

Yellow Status

The Principality of Sealand is an unrecognized entity of the course of Britan ruled by Roy Bates.  Located on HM Fort Roughs, it was once a sea fort until it was taken over and made into a country.  It currently has a population of three, takes up 550 meters squared, uses the Sealand Dollar, and is an oligarchy.  It is relatively unimportant, and would be unknown except for its unusual size.  However, several organizations, such as NASA and Greenpeace, have taken an interest in the country for reasons unknown and have attempted over the years to encourage sales to other "puppet" organizations such as Blue Sheild in 1988 and Lenox in 1993.  However, before then, there was an aggressive attempt by Greenpeace to take the country by force.
In the August of 1978, while Bates and his wife were absent in England, backed by the organization, Alexander Achenbach led an army of three hundred mercanaries (puportedly from Germany and Holland, but in actuallity mostly American Greenpeace supporters) to attack Roughs Tower with speed boats and helicopters, taking Bate's son hostage.  The tower was hwld after fifteen days of heavy fighting, but eventually Roy Bates reclaimed the country and Achenbach was arrested for treason.  He was eventually released and established the Sealand Rebel Government, which is currently planning to take over the country in 2013.

Sealand after the fighting

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Blue Status

Running from 1997 to 2001, this show is a failed attempt by NASA and the American Socalist Party to send subliminal messages to young veiwers, specifically in America.  Ann Wool, creative manager of Ragdoll Productions, was both a socalist and a movie maker, and began the show to spread her veiws by using a fellow socalist and Freemason, Tim Whitnall, to narrate the program.  For example, the collective housing, feeding, and profound lack of indidual possessions are obviously communist ideas.  Mixed with the juxtaposition of surreal elements and the "reality" of children working together-reflecting several Communist propaganda posters (what is more spooky is the Orwellian paraells displayed in the Teletubby anatomy)-the message can only be received on a subconcious level.

In 1999, NASA became interested as the socalist numbers increased by 8% and began to introduce elements of its own, such as the pinwheel which warped reality.  This however, failed to have an effect, and it was later proven that the ASP increase was purely fabricated.
The Community of Christ (religous symbolisim like the introduction of Noah's ark) and Greenpeace (the green world veiw) also tried broadcasting its ideas, to no avail.
A gambit move was made the day after the show was pulled off air on January 6, 2001, with the Teletubby invasion of New York (and London), where thousands of Greenpeace, NASA, ASP, and Community of Christ members marched through the streets terrifying crowds.  Here are some photos of the event.

Teletubbies cross the street

Teletubbies trespassing on private property

A Teletubby at the Intimidation of Innocent Persons Society* HQ, which is designed to look like the dome in the show.

Be warned about this seemingly innocent show.

*Note:  It is currently unknown whether or not the IPS is part of the Ultimate Plan.

Elements of the Ultimate Plan

The Ultimate Plan is actually severa separate individual plans created by power hungry organizations in order to carve up the world.  The name was given in a book written by Ethan S Purvis called Death of the Utopian American Dream, Volume 7 written in 1976.  In this book, Purvis paints a largely inaccurate picture of the situation by having President Ford be in charge of a Global Capitulation Society that uses the Freemasons, Rosacrucians, and other socities as fronts.  The name, however, sticks, and is used for this confederation of corporations, associations, and societies all agreed upon one single domination.
The corrupt groups involved at one point or another are:

Catholic Papacy
American Socialist Party
White Star Line
Community of Christ
Swiss Army
English Monarchy

Individuals who have been involved at one point or another are:
Harris Burdick
Samuel Beckett
John F Kennedy
Leonardo Da Vinci
Ayn Rand

Events perpetuated by this conspiracy are:
Voyager 1
Happy Days by Samuel Beckett
The Sealand War
JFK assasination
The "Grey Zone" War
Operation Purple
The Papal Message
Gadget Massacre
The Haymarket Explosions
Journal XX
Anthem by Ayn Rand
The Alliance of Treason

So, now you have an expanded list of the one provided below.

What is the Ultimate Plan?

After hundreds of years, the time had come!  The evil forces of our world are conspriring to engineer its collapse in a swift catastrophe that will end society as we know it and result in a warring tribes state led by meglomaniacs.  Fortunately, a few of us have caught on to their machinations and we are able to warn you and even to some degree protect you from the darkness at hand.  THis blog identifies element of the plan and their inherent weaknesses.
The elements to be identified are:




Vaticain City

Harris Burdick


The White Star Line

Samuel Beckett

Community of Christ


Queen Elizabeth II

Swiss Army

Leonardo Da Vinci

Voyager 1

John F Kennedy

American Socialist Party


Ayn Rand
